Judging Criteria
- Today Hack – How much work or improvement was done today at the Hackathon for the app, website or solution? (Up to 40 points)
- Relevant – How well does the solution address the key mission of the Hackathon? I.e. does it solve a problem related to “Student Well-being”? (Up to 20 points)
- Impressiveness – The “wow” factor, or how original is the idea solving the problem? (Up to 20 points)
- Easy to Understand & Use – How clear to the user is the problem solved? How easy will it be for the user to understand and make use of the solution? (Up to 10 points)
- Solution Completeness – Has the team thought through and/or planned how to develop and launch or release the solution? (Vetting of idea, and plans for development, marketing, deployment, etc.) (Up to 10 points)
- % Done – What is the percentage of completion of the solution? (Up to 10 points)
- Implementable – How easy to implement the app, website or solution? (Up to 10 points)
- Passion – Is the team excited and passionate about solving a problem? (Up to 10 points)
- Community Outreach – How is the community made aware of and get involved with this app, website or solution? (Up to 10 points)